Toronto’s Heating and Air Conditioning Experts.

Air, Air Everywhere.
Fresh, pure and invigorating. Like the very air you breathe.
Welcome to our very own Air Book – our web album of ideas to make your space healthier!
We are talking about a brand that deals with comfort and the basic life necessities that drives us all. Air, water and temperature. With Home Star, you finally have a worthy partner in heating and air conditioning needs. The very vibe, the very feel and the very aura of your home or space, come together here. We proudly serve the Greater Toronto Area and have been for the past 20 years.
The quality of air surrounding a person dictates his or her basic well-being and health status in life. Also, staying indoors for prolonged periods can lead to a stifling environment and health implications on the negative side. Yet, with Home Star all these points are put to rest. We do not deal with technology alone; we deal with the goodness of the most natural resource and its most natural use for your health benefits. We deal with good air.
This air also dictates how a person deals with and releases stress and tension. It builds an environment for qualitative relationships and even more qualitative outputs in a particular space. An air conditioner is your partner in providing an influx of fresh, healthy air with just that right blend of technology and looks. So you would obviously want to choose the best in the business for this important duty, right? We’re talking about your home, mall, store, restaurant, office, hospital…just about any space you can think of!
In a pioneering role of sorts, Home Star also deals in the HVAC system. It is in fact, we are one of the best and notable HVAC companies in Toronto. The heating, ventilation and air cooling technology is one that binds the indoors with an automated environment control feature. This, in turn, brings in fresh air to create a mix of temperature control as well as a “true to natural climate” feel. Our heating and air conditioning products are among the most energy efficient products available in the market today. We are strong believers in being environmentally friendly and energy conservation so we ensure our product line reflects this.
Apart from heating and air conditioning, Home Star also brings ductless air conditioning as an ultra-modern and environment friendly means of spreading good air! Further, with prompt and enduring furnace repair services, Home Star comes full circle in all extremities of the climate. With such endless possibilities to remain indoors in a healthy environment with all the replicated goodness of nature, Toronto and the GTA have never felt better.
So start clicking on the links of this Air Book of sorts to understand what our brand of freshness is all about!